Marie-Bertille Mosnier


Marie-Bertille Mosnier was born in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France in 1998. She graduated as an engineer in 2022 from ISAE-Supaéro with a specialization in Earth observation and conception of orbital systems.

Since October 2022, she is a PhD student with the Photonics Antennas Microwaves PlasmA (PAMPA) research axis of the Department of Electronics, Optronics and Signal (DEOS) at the ISAE-SUPAERO.

PhD topic : Simulation and integration of a turbulent propagation channel for optical transmission.

Supervisors: Angélique Rissons & Fabien Destic (ISAE), Rémi Douvenot & Hélène Galiègue (ENAC)

Digital Identity

ORCID: 0000-0001-7566-7799
IdHal: marie-bertille-mosnier
