Guillaume Dehan

Guillaume was born in St Maurice (94) in 1994. He graduated as an Electronics and Telecommunication engineer in 2018 from ENAC (Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile) in Toulouse, France. In 2018, he traveled during a year in New Zealand before to become a PhD student in November 2019 at the ONERA in the Electromagnetism and radar department in collaboration with Electromagnetism and Antennas (EMA) research axis of the TELECOM team at the ENAC. His thesis is about the Corona effect on the ground antennas of aeronautical communication.



Thesis topic: The Corona effect on the ground antennas of aeronautical communication

Supervisors: François Issac (ONERA), Hélène Galiègue (ENAC), and Alexandre Chabory (ENAC)